Rick agreed that this would call for the assistance of an experienced mom. So, a few days later, I took a trip to Southern California. I was there to visit my nephews, Lucas (5), Boomer (3), and new neice, L.J. (2 months old). What cuties! Anyway, while my brother played with the kids, my sis-in-law and I were able to sneak away to finish the registry. She pointed out useful and practical tips that worked for her, which was stuff I never would have thought abou
t. So, by the time we left the store, not only was our registry complete, I felt confident in my choices. We picked the car seat (it has a multi-reclining option), an everyday stroller with tray for Brandon (so he can be within reach of his snacks!), a jogging stroller with a "swivelling" front wheel (necessary for maueuvering on slightly rough and winding terrain), and high chair that will "grow" with Brandon as he gets older.

Ahhhh, success! Now, it's time to start on that packing list....Suggestions?
Pack light and things you don't mind leaving behind...do laundry there-it is so cheap. Don't fret you can buy anything you forget !
How exciting for you!
Good luck with all your shopping
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